The educational series is provided by DSAF to its members - extended family and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend, but must register to ensure enough space is available! To ensure there are plenty of goodies for everyone, please register by the second Tuesday of each month and be sure to indicate how many will be attending. All sessions will be held at Rock 'n' Joe Coffee Bar at 5025 Lindberg St., Lincoln, NE 68516.
October Educational Series Topics – October 15:
Toilet Training and the Ds Individual: Toilet training is a common concern for families and because of the complex nature of individuals with Ds and their development, it can become a source of worry. This training will address the common initial roadblocks, setbacks, and eventual celebration of toilet training. Presented by Matt McNiff, a behavior specialist with ESU #5, this training is for anyone wanting to gain information on how to proceed with the process of toilet training an individual with Ds.
Enable Savings Plans: Diane Stewart of First National Bank of Omaha, the Nebraska Fiscal Representative for the Nebraska Enable accounts, will review the Enable Act basics, eligibility requirements, set up and enrollment, benefits of a 529a, and the future of Enable in her presentation on life planning for individuals with Ds. Background on Enable: In December 2014, the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act was signed into law authorizing individuals with disabilities to open tax-exempt savings accounts to save for disability-related expenses without impacting eligibility for resource-based benefits. The Act permits individuals with disabilities to save more than a total of $2,000 in assets (cash, savings, etc.) in their name in a qualified ABLE account.
Contact Dawna at with questions.