Hello Down syndrome community of Nebraska!
My name is Jamie Bertucci and I couldn’t be more excited to be the Down Syndrome Association for Families of Nebraska's first-ever Executive Director.
Moving from the south, I acclimated to my first Nebraska winter as an adult 11 years ago. I have adapted to the Good Life nicely; I know the Runza menu like the back of my hand, and I swear that Casey’s breakfast pizza is the superior choice.
I welcomed my first-born son, Nicholas, 9 years ago. He is a specially-abled, chromosomally-enhanced little boy, whose birth changed the way my family would forever see the world and the people in it. Currently, I am raising three hyperactive, slightly destructive, excessively noisy, eternally busy little boys.
I am beyond excited to continue in my journey serving the Down syndrome community as the Executive Director of DSAF. I have had opportunities to explore cities, schools and other organizations in various places throughout the US, and I have always appreciated the community and support the people of Nebraska offer our loved ones with Down Syndrome. Nebraska has a strong economic standing, one of the best in the nation, and it is the dedication and hard work of our population that keeps our state strong. During our struggle to overcome and continue living during this pandemic, most families who care for someone with Down syndrome have felt the impact of school and work closings more than the average family.
If the needs of children and adults with Down syndrome were not apparent before, they most certainly have been exposed during this pandemic. As the Executive Director of DSAF, I hope to be the bridge for families to receive the support, encouragement, and information they need. My efforts will be focused on bringing communities together to offer assistance and events that our friends, children, and loved ones with Down syndrome require.
I am excited to get to know families across the state and hear about the successes and opportunities you are experiencing now. Emails to director@dsafnebraska.org with information about your loved one with Down syndrome are encouraged and welcome!
Thank you for this opportunity! I am honored to serve you and look forward to our journey together.
Jamie Bertucci
Executive Director
Down Syndrome Association for Families of Nebraska